I'm participating in a panel discussion on the theme of 'Creative Writing and English Literature: The State of the Disciplines' with the novelist Stephen May and Dr Angelica Michelis of Manchester Metropolitan University as part of the Strange Bedfellows series at York University. The event begins at 4pm in the Bowland Auditorium, Berrick Saul Building.
I’m reading from Worthless Men and discussing my writing and teaching at the Storyville Festival, Kyoto University of Art and Design, Japan.
I’ll be deciding the winner of the Essex Book Festival ‘Get It Writ’ short story competition. The announcement will be made by Andrew Burton at the Less is More event at Witham Library on 20th March.
I’m reading from Worthless Men at Dereham Library at 2.30 as part of the Breckland Book Festival.
I’m reading from Worthless Men at Burnham Library in Burnham On Crouch at 8pm as part of the Essex Book Festival.
My new novel Worthless Men will be published by Sceptre.
The launch of my new novel Worthless Men will be held at the UEA Drama Studio at 7pm. I’ll also be introducing readings by UEA alumni Chelsey Flood, who is launching her debut novel Infinite Sky, and Tom Benn, who has just published his second novel Chamber Music.
I’ll be reading from Worthless Men at the Festivalul International de Literatura Bucuresti, Romania, and participating in a panel discussion with Sandor Papp, Matyas Dunajcsik and Mihai Mateiu, hosted by Nadine Vladescu.
I’ll be participating in a panel discussion on the theme of ‘Supervising a Creative & Critical Writing PhD’ with Jon Cook, Don Paterson, Nicholas Royle and Rebecca Stott at the Creative/Critical Writing Conference, UEA London.
I’ll be speaking on the theme of ‘What is the best way to teach creative writing?’ with Richard Skinner, Monique Roffey, Paul Sherreard and Nicolette Jones at the National Academy of Writing Creative Writing Fair at the Free Word Centre in London at 6.30.